At St Joseph's we take the Safeguarding of all our children and staff very seriously.
Mrs Stephens, Mrs Keeping and Mrs Jukes are responsible for Child Protection within the school. It is our duty and responsibility to pass on to outside agencies any concerns that a pupil is being harmed or may be at risk of being harmed. This may result in a referral to Children and Young People’s Services. (CYPS)
In all matters, the school Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy informs practice throughout the school.
- If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern and report to a Designated Officer immediately.
- If your concerns relate to the actions of a member of staff, please report this to one of the Designated Officers who will report it to the Headteacher.
- If your concerns relate to the actions of the Headteacher, please contact our Chair of Governors, Mrs Lynn Cook. Her details can be obtained from the Office.
If you are visiting the school or applying for a job with us please read all the following information to ensure you are familiar with our policies and procedures.
All roles in school require a DBS check.
For our Safeguarding policies please see - About Us - Policies
Many thanks
Mrs Stephens
More information can be found here:
Information for parents on Child Sexual Exploitation can be found here: