We are part of the Plymouth CAST family of schools. We are a Catholic school welcoming children of all faiths to learn and grow with us. The education and wellbeing of our children is at the heart of everything we do. Our Gospel Values of humility, compassion, kindness, justice, forgiveness, integrity, peace and courage are integral to our whole school community. We inspire all our children to do their best, be their best and have respect for themselves, others and the world we live in. Choosing a school for your child is really important for any parent or carer. If you would like to find out more about our school you are welcome to visit us to meet or wonderful staff and pupils. Please email admin@stjo.uk or phone 01395 264875 to book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you.


Our excellent music curriculum is delivered by Fay Nelmes a specialist music teacher from Primary Music & Education. Over the course of the year, year groups from 1-6 have a termly block of music lessons of an hour a week, during which they acquire key musicianship skills and have the opportunity to learn various musical instruments, such as djembes, mini-melodians, glockenspiels and samba. Our Year 3 class recently gave a samba performance in assembly, which was met with high praise!
Year 3 and 4 are currently preparing for a trip to the Great Hall at Exeter University on 16th March to take part in a concert with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, where they will perform two pieces alongside the orchestra that have been specially written for Key Stage 2 pupils, as well as hearing them play some fantastic music.
Year 5 and 6 children performed a version of Benjamin Britten's 'New Year Carol' accompanied by glockenspiels at the advent church service, and Year 3 and 4 are currently working alongside Mrs Nelmes and their class teachers towards their performance of Jack & the Beanstalk at the end of March, which incorporates two-part singing.
As well as playing and performance opportunities, our pupils have been learning to read and write music, using both formal and informal notation methods. They are learning about the history of music, including key composers and pieces, through 'Active Listening', when they are also learning to appraise using musical terminology, reflect, and use music as a relaxation tool. Collaborative group work encourages children to develop skills in teamwork, and this is fostered through both composition and performance.
In addition to curriculum time music, Mrs Nelmes runs an after school choir on Mondays. Previously, the school choir has taken part in a performance at the Exmouth Festival, alongside performers from other local schools, and also performed at the summer fete and the Christmas fair within school.