We are part of the Plymouth CAST family of schools. We are a Catholic school welcoming children of all faiths to learn and grow with us. The education and wellbeing of our children is at the heart of everything we do. Our Gospel Values of humility, compassion, kindness, justice, forgiveness, integrity, peace and courage are integral to our whole school community. We inspire all our children to do their best, be their best and have respect for themselves, others and the world we live in. Choosing a school for your child is really important for any parent or carer. If you would like to find out more about our school you are welcome to visit us to meet our wonderful staff and pupils. Please email admin@stjo.uk or phone 01395 264875 to book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you.

Mental well-being

At St Joseph's, mental health and well being are at the heart of our community. Miss English our Senco is our trained Mental Health Lead.

Year 2 parent.

When you send your child to school you want them to be happy, make friends, learn, progress and be supported well in that journey. When you have a child that has a learning style or behavioural issue that is different from the ‘mainstream’, these become even more important and I can honestly say that the SEN department at St Joseph’s has been approachable, inclusive, supportive and I feel like they actually care about my child and want the same things I want as a parent. I feel my child’s voice and ours as parents is listened too seriously. I feel they are trying to do more than they can to include a personalised learning plan that helps my child to grow and progress.


Year 4 parent

I cannot describe the difference in my child since coming to St Joseph’s, she is absolutely thriving, you are all brilliant, thank-you.

Mental Health Ambassadors - Our group of children in KS2 who promote well being are our Mental Health Ambassadors trained by Heads Up. 
The children undertake various projects in school to promote well being such as Buckets of Gratitude, Drama Assemblies, whole school dances and most recently our STOP anti bulllying campaign.  St Joseph's believe in raising awareness of mental health.  
Time to Talk - A group who meet to learn about overcoming anxiety and worries in a protective environment. Children build skills in Growth Mindset and are supported by our chair of governors Mrs Cook.
Young Carer - Mrs Shapter (Teaching Assistant) runs a group each week for children who have a parent or sibling affected by physical or mental well being. The children support one and other and get special time for themselves. 
Staff Well Being  - We are a small, friendly school and consider ourselves to be a family. We acknowledge that this is a tough job!  We look after one and other. We aim to boost staff well being through supervision, shared staff lunches, staff shout out board and lots of chocolate and cake! Staff are encouraged to talk openly about mental health and well being.